  • Cast Iron: GJL; GJV; GJS; GJMB; GJMW
  • Cast Steel: alloy and carbon
  • Non-ferrous metals: Al; Cu; Mg; Zn
  • other alloys: Pb; Ti; special alloys

executed in:

  • Sand moulds:
  • hand moulded
  • by machine
  • on automatic moulding line

permanent moulds:

  • gravity casting
  • low pressure casting

die casting:

  • cold-chamber machines
  • hot-chamber machines

precision casting

We offer die-casting mould design and manufacturing. We also produce trimming tools, plastic injection moulds and other special tools.

If you require more than just casted and trimmed parts, we can help give you a finished product by drilling, tapping, spot facing, reaming or designing a specialized process for your product.